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Colombian Dairy Farm Project Participation Agreement

1.      Colombian Farm (Finca Lechera) Project belongs to Colombia-based Anatolian S.A.S and accepts investors from all over the world.

2.      Within the scope of the project, cattle meat and milk production, meat and egg poultry farming, freshwater fishing, cocoa, coffee, banana and platano and various animal and animal production activities are carried out on the lands purchased/leased by the project owner company and/or partners in the city of Suaza, Huila province, Republic of Colombia. Production, sales and marketing of agricultural products are carried out.

3.      Land and animal selection is made by experts and checked regularly by veterinarians and agricultural engineers.

4.      Agricultural feed is also produced under favorable conditions on owned/leased lands and feed costs are minimized.

5.      Open barn farming technique is mostly preferred and happy animal - happy animal husbandry technique is applied.

6.      Within the scope of the project, an increase in production is regularly achieved by increasing the number of animals according to the investment amount and by purchasing/letting new land.

7.      Potential investors are called investors from the moment they decide to invest as a result of the promotions and negotiations and their payments are received by us, and each of them is given a special ID number.

8.      The unique ID number received is used by the investor throughout the duration of the project.

9.      Investors make their payments by choosing the one that best suits them among the 3 investment types on the page.

10.   After payment, the investor can choose the next higher option of the investment package. Switching to a low investment package can only be made by mutual agreement of the project owner and investor after a 30-month commitment.

11.   Within 7 days after the investor sends the payment and it reaches the project owner, a special page is opened at specifically for the investor's ID number and the investor's information (the package he has - the type and time of the payment he will receive) is entered into the system.

12.   The investor can decide to receive payments in monthly, 3-month or 6-month periods, if he wishes. Payment periods can be updated once every 6 months. Investors who accept annual payments receive a 3% bonus on their total progress. Earned bonuses are transferred to your account within 30 days following the day of payment.

13.   Investors receive their payments in COP parity. 

14.   The investor who wants to purchase the Plata Package from the Investment Packages agrees to pay 10,000.00 USD (40,000,000.00 COP) {Ten Thousand US Dollars }. Payments are based on dollar amount

15.   The investor who wishes to purchase the Oro Package from the Investment Packages agrees to pay 20,000.00 USD (80,000,000.00 COP) {Twenty Thousand US Dollars}. Payments are based on dollar amount

16.   The investor who wishes to purchase from Platino Packages agrees to pay 40,000.00 USD (160,000,000.00 COP) {Thirty Thousand US Dollars – one hundred and fifty-two million Colombian Pesos}. Payments are based on dollar amounts.

17.   The project owner agrees and undertakes to make the first monthly payment on the 52nd day after the payments from the investors to the Plata Package owners reach the project owner. Subsequent payments are made on the 30th day following the first monthly payment and every 30 days thereafter.  For each Plata Package, the project owner pays the investor between 250.00 - 275.00 USD (1.000.000,00 - 1.100.000,00 COP). COP exchange rate is taken as basis in calculating payments. The purpose of specifying the interval in payments is the possible fluctuation in milk prices. The project owner aims to pay as much as possible.

18.   The project owner agrees and undertakes to make the first monthly payment on the 52nd day after the payments from the investors to the Oro Package owners reach the project owner. Subsequent payments are made on the 30th day following the first monthly payment and every 30 days thereafter. For each Oro Package, the project owner pays 550.00 - 600.00 USD (2.200.000,00 - 2.400.000,00 COP) to the investor. COP exchange rate is taken as basis in calculating payments. The purpose of specifying the interval in payments is the possible fluctuation in milk prices. The project owner aims to pay as much as possible.

19.   The project owner agrees and undertakes to make the first monthly payment on the 52nd day at the latest after the payments from the investors to the Platino Package owners are received by the project owner. Subsequent payments are made on the 30th day following the first monthly payment and every 30 days thereafter. For each Platino Package, the project owner pays 1,200.00 - 1,300.00 USD (4,800,000.00 - 5,200,000.00 COP) to the investor. COP exchange rate is taken as basis in calculating payments. The purpose of specifying the interval in payments is the possible fluctuation in milk prices. The project owner aims to pay as much as possible.

20.   After the investor's payment reaches the project owner, a page showing his/her special information, investment and earnings information is prepared and presented to the project owner for his/her information.

21.   The project owner can convert the payments received for the project into investments in any subject he wishes (milk production, animal purchase, agricultural activity, land rental or purchase, etc.).

22.   When the payments to be made by the project owner to the investors reach the investors' accounts, the commission amount to be paid is deducted from the amount the investor will receive. The accuracy of the account information provided is guaranteed by the investor. Payments to be made to the investor are sent via Western Union & Moneygram to the investor's Bank IBAN number, WISE address, USDT address or name.

23.   The investor agrees and undertakes to keep his investment in the system for 36 months after the payment reaches the project owner, and the project owner agrees and undertakes to make payments to the investor during this period.

24.   This agreement may be mutually terminated or renewed by the parties after the expiration of the commitment period.

25.   In case the contract is terminated unilaterally by the investor and before the commitment period expires, the project owner sends the following to the investor: If it is between 0-12 months; With 75% downtime, between 12-24 months; The investment amount made will be refunded in COP with a 50% deduction, and between 24-36 months with a 25% deduction. The commission deducted when the refund reaches the investor is also deducted from the amount the investor will receive.

26.   With the investment he has made, the investor receives a package service from the project owner and payments are made to him in return for this package.

27.   Each investor can reference other investors with the unique ID number he/she has received. If another investor referred by the investor purchases any Package, the first investor with reference will receive a 5% bonus for the following 3 months.

28.   Investors can transfer their investment packages to anyone they wish, with a transfer agreement approved before a notary. In order for the transfer process to take place, the notarized transfer agreement must be sent to the project owner via e-mail. The transferee must register in the project system. After receiving confirmation from the relevant notary, the transaction ends with the transfer of the ID number from the old investor to the new investor. The transferring investor receives his payments up to the date of the notarized transfer agreement on the payment date. If the payment month has not expired, old and new investors will receive their payments on the same day.

29.   While all investors register to the system; must enter their identity information, address and telephone information, payment method and details, and a complete and legible scan of a valid ID into the system.

30.   In case of death of the investor, his heirs can leave the system or continue their heirs' commitments if they wish, if the inheritance certificate is presented. In order to continue in the system, they must become members of the system on their own behalf. Payment can be made to a maximum of 4 heirs, depending on the divisibility of the package owned by the deceased. For this reason, those with more than 4 heirs must make a waiver in favor of the others and send it to the project owner in a notarized form. If the heirs do not complete the work and transactions within 60 days, the project owner may terminate it unilaterally.

31.   These payments may be postponed due to unforeseen and force majeure reasons such as disasters, illnesses, etc. However, the project owner also accepts and undertakes to take maximum precautions to prevent these situations from occurring.

32.   The values ​​in USD mentioned above are calculated as COP rate 1 USD =4.000,00 COP, and the amounts to be deposited into the investor's account may change depending on the decreases and increases in the exchange rate.

33.   This contract is drawn up between the investor and the project owner and is deemed to have been accepted by the parties if the payment is made by the investor and reaches the project owner.

For All Questions;


Libano, Suaza, Huila, Colombia


+57 311 4901375 / +905452485184

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Colombian Dairy Farm is an Anatolian S.A.S. partnership.

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